Hardware/Asus/TP300LA: Difference between revisions

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Inits page with informations about the laptop I own
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Revision as of 20:45, 3 April 2024

Hardware Support

Note: The i5-4210U and Intel integrated GPU version was tested[1]. Many versions of the TP300LA exists.

Most hardware functions as expected without changes, this includes brightness, wifi, bluetooth, webcam, sound and HDMI out.

Only specific or uncommon hardware notes have been added.

Function keys

Function keys for airplane mode, brightness, screen disable, and volume works[2]. The screen setup function key is mapping to Super_L+P. The windows key on the side of the device will map to a Super_L press and release on release, there is no way to map to it being held.

The auto brightness key doesn't map to anything.


Both orientation sensors and light sensors are supported under NixOS 17.09, using IIO[3].

The orientation sensor isn't oriented like the screen, PR#7752 on systemd will add the required configuration upstream, hopefully it will be present in the next stable release of NixOS.

Meanwhile, adding this to your configuration.nix will configure the sensor appropriately.

{ config }:
  hardware.sensor.iio.enable = true;
  # Accelerometer orientation; upstreaming in preogress.
  # https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/7752
  services.udev.extraHwdb = ''
     ACCEL_MOUNT_MATRIX=0, 1, 0; 1, 0, 0; 0, 0, 1

A reboot may be the easiest way to refresh everything for iio-sensor-proxy. Test using monitor-sensor.

  1. Model #90NB05Y1-M01340 (Finding the model number)
  2. Tested using kernel 4.14 on NixOS 17.09
  3. Tested using kernel 4.14 on NixOS 17.09