rtorrent is a bittorrent client. This article discusses integrations of rtorrent with other graphical interfaces such as flood.
Integration with flood-js via UNIX sockets
rtorrent can open a socket which other software can use to interface with. No unprotected RPC socket of rtorrent is required with this setup and it therefore provides a higher security standard.
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
peer-port = 51412;
web-port = 8112;
in {
services.rtorrent = {
enable = true;
port = peer-port;
package = pkgs.jesec-rtorrent; # currently (2024-12-30) rtorrent 0.15.0 in nixpkgs unstable is incompatible with flood, this is why a fork is used
openFirewall = true;
services.flood = {
enable = true;
port = web-port;
openFirewall = true;
extraArgs = ["--rtsocket=${config.services.rtorrent.rpcSocket}"];
# allow access to the socket by putting it in the same group as rtorrent service
# the socket will have g+w permissions
systemd.services.flood.serviceConfig.SupplementaryGroups = [ config.services.rtorrent.group ];
Sample configuration is to be put into rtorrent.nix and imported in your configuration.nix via:
{ imports = [ ./rtorrent.nix ]; }
After performing nixos-rebuild switch on port http://localhost:8112 the flood service should run.