
From NixOS Wiki

Pidgin is a multi-protocol messaging client.

Pidgin is available in NixOS, as are many popular plugins such as pidgin-otr.

Installing plugins

NixOS provides Pidgin plugins as packages such as pidginotr, but installing them via nix-env or environment.systemPackages will not work. The plugin packages must be configured as part of the pidgin-with-plugins package via a package override.

User-scope installation

To install Pidgin with desired plugins only for the current user:

  1. In ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix, add:
      packageOverrides = pkgs: rec {
        pidgin-with-plugins = pkgs.pidgin.override {
          ## Add whatever plugins are desired (see package listing).
          plugins = [ pkgs.pidgin-otr ];
  2. Install pidgin with nix-env -iA nixos.pidgin-with-plugins

System-scope installation

To install Pidgin with desired plugins for all users on the system:

  1. Amend /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to add pidgin-with-plugins to systemPackages:
      environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
  2. Override pidgin-with-plugins to add the desired plugins:
      nixpkgs.config = {
        allowUnfree = true;
        packageOverrides = pkgs: with pkgs; {
          pidgin-with-plugins = pkgs.pidgin.override {
            ## Add whatever plugins are desired (see package listing).
            plugins = [ pidgin-otr ];
  3. Run nixos-rebuild switch as root to apply changes.