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Revision as of 12:00, 14 September 2024 by Onny (talk | contribs)

Stalwart is an open-source, all-in-one mail server solution that supports JMAP, IMAP4, and SMTP protocols. It's designed to be secure, fast, robust, and scalable, with features like built-in DMARC, DKIM, SPF, and ARC support for message authentication. It also provides strong transport security through DANE, MTA-STS, and SMTP TLS reporting. Stalwart is written in Rust, ensuring high performance and memory safety.


The following example enables the Stalwart mail server for the domain, listening on mail delivery SMTP/Submission (25, 465), IMAPS (993) and JMAP ports (8080/443) for mail clients to connect to. Mailboxes for the accounts and get created if they don't exist yet.

Note: Parts of this module are not yet stable will be available with the upcoming NixOS release 24.11.
environment.etc = {
  "stalwart/mail-pw1".text = "foobar";
  "stalwart/mail-pw2".text = "foobar";
  "stalwart/acme-secret".text = "secret123";

services.stalwart-mail = {
  enable = true;
  package = pkgs.stalwart-mail;
  openFirewall = true;
  settings = {
    server = {
      hostname = "";
      tls = {
        enable = true;
        implicit = true;
      listener = {
        smtp = {
          protocol = "smtp";
          bind = "[::]:25";
        submissions = {
          bind = "[::]:465";
          protocol = "smtp";
        imaps = {
          bind = "[::]:993";
          protocol = "imap";
        jmap = {
          bind = "[::]:8080";
          url = "";
          protocol = "jmap";
        management = {
          bind = [ "" ];
          protocol = "http";
    lookup.default = {
      hostname = "";
      domain = "";
    acme."letsencrypt" = {
      directory = "";
      challenge = "dns-01";
      contact = "";
      domains = [ "" ];
      provider = "cloudflare";
      secret = "%{file:/etc/stalwart/acme-secret}%";
    session.auth = {
      mechanisms = "[plain]";
      directory = "'in-memory'";
    }; = "in-memory"; = "'in-memory'"; = "'local'";
    directory."imap" = [ "" ];
    directory."in-memory" = {
      type = "memory";
      principals = [
          class = "admin";
          name = "User 1";
          secret = "%{file:/etc/stalwart/mail-pw1}%";
          email = [ "" ];
          class = "individual";
          name = "postmaster";
          secret = "%{file:/etc/stalwart/mail-pw1}%";
          email = [ "" ];

services.caddy = {
  enable = true;
  virtualHosts = {
    "" = {
      extraConfig = ''
        reverse_proxy http://127.0.01:8080
      serverAliases = [

TLS key generation is done using DNS-01 challenge through Cloudflare domain provider, see dns-update library for further providers or configure manual certificates.



Ensure that DNSSEC is enabled for your primary and mail server domain. It can be enabled by your domain provider.

For example, check if DNSSEC is working correctly for your new TLSA record

# nix shell nixpkgs#dnsutils --command delv TLSA @
; fully validated 10800 IN TLSA 3 1 1 7f59d873a70e224b184c95a4eb54caa9621e47d48b4a25d312d83d96 e3498238 10800 IN RRSIG	TLSA 13 5 10800 20230601000000 20230511000000 39688 He9VYZ35xTC3fNo8GJa6swPrZodSnjjIWPG6Th2YbsOEKTV1E8eGtJ2A +eyBd9jgG+B3cA/jw8EJHmpvy/buCw==

Tips and tricks

Unsecure setup for testing environments

The following minimal configuration example is unsecure and for testing purpose only. It will run the Stalwart mail server on localhost, listening on port 143 (IMAP) and 587 (Submission). Users alice and bob are configured with the password foobar.

services.stalwart-mail = {
  enable = true;
  # Use newer, latest version in NixOS 24.05
  package = pkgs.stalwart-mail;
  settings = {
    server = {
      hostname = "localhost";
      tls.enable = false;
      listener = {
        "smtp-submission" = {
          bind = [ "[::]:587" ];
          protocol = "smtp";
        "imap" = {
          bind = [ "[::]:143" ];
          protocol = "imap";
    imap.auth.allow-plain-text = true;
    session.auth = {
      mechanisms = "[plain, auth]";
      directory = "'in-memory'";
    }; = "in-memory"; = "'in-memory'"; = "'local'";
    directory."in-memory" = {
      type = "memory";
      principals = [
          class = "individual";
          name = "alice";
          secret = "foobar";
          email = [ "alice@localhost" ];
          class = "individual";
          name = "bob";
          secret = "foobar";
          email = [ "bob@$localhost" ];

See also