SSHFS: Difference between revisions

Onny (talk | contribs)
Initial page
Onny (talk | contribs)
Add example configuration
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SSHFS is a file system that allows users to mount and access remote files over SSH (Secure Shell) connections, providing secure and encrypted access to remote data.
[ SSHFS] is a file system that allows users to mount and access remote files over SSH (Secure Shell) connections, providing secure and encrypted access to remote data.
== Configuration ==
Following example configuration will mount the remote filesystem <code>/mydata</code> of the host <code></code> at the destination <code>/mnt</code>. Authentication is done via the user <code>myuser</code> and the private key <code>/root/.ssh/id_rsa</code>.<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
fileSystems."/mnt" = {
  device = "myuer@";
  fsType = "sshfs";
  options = [