Rclone: Difference between revisions

Onny (talk | contribs)
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Onny (talk | contribs)
Add example configuration, SFTP mount
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== Configuration ==
== Configuration ==
Mounting remote filesystem, in this example via SFTP. The remote profile is called <code>myremote</code>, and authentication is done with user <code>myuser</code> and key file <code>/root/.ssh/id_rsa</code> against <code></code>. The remote directory <code>/my_data</code> is than mounted to the local directory <code>/mnt</code>.<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.rclone ];
environment.etc."rclone-mnt.conf".text = ''
  type = sftp
  host =
  user = myuser
  key_file = /root/.ssh/id_rsa

fileSystems."/mnt" = {
  device = "myremote:/my_data";
  fsType = "rclone";
  options = [