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[ Neovim] is a fork of [[Vim]] aiming to improve the codebase, allowing for easier implementation of APIs, improved user experience and plugin implementation.

== Configure Neovim as the default Editor ==
Due to the large number of plugins, it is possible to extend and configure neovim to fit the exact needs of the user. Many users start working with neovim with a preconfigured neovim distribution (such as [ LazyVim], [ AstroVim], [ NVChad]) or use the preconfigured NixOS package for [[LunarVim]]. This way you can learn what is possible. Experienced users often advise to familiarize themselves with neovim and then create their own configuration from scratch.
Add this to your <code>configuration.nix</code>

<code>environment.variables.EDITOR = "nvim";</code>
For people who like the modal text editors in a terminal but don't want to spend so much time configuring it, the [[Helix]] editor might be the right choice.

== Set Neovim as <code>vi</code> and <code>vim</code> ==
== Installation ==
Add this to your <code>configuration.nix</code>

   nixpkgs.overlays = [
=== System-wide ===
     (self: super: {
       neovim = super.neovim.override {
If you do not use Home Manager, you can use the following code in your NixOS configuration:
        viAlias = true;
        vimAlias = true;
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
programs.neovim = {
  enable = true;
   defaultEditor = true;
You can also manually add Neovim to your packages. This should only be used if the two version above do not work for you.
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.neovim ];
=== With Home Manager ===
[[Home Manager]] has a module for Neovim, which can be enabled via
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
programs.neovim = {
  enable = true;
  extraConfig = ''
     set number relativenumber
More information about the module can be found here: [ Home Manager Manual].
== Configuration ==
Neovim shares most of its configuration with Vim. See the [[Vim|Vim page]] for more details on the use of both.
=== System-wide ===
The NixOS module does not have an <code>extraConfig</code> option as the Home Manager module does.
Instead, you can use the <code>programs.neovim.configure</code> option as described [ here].
The following example configures RC commands and enables the plugin <code>ctrlp</code> to support fuzzy file search (see [ homepage] on how to use it)
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
programs.neovim = {
  enable = true;
  configure = {
    customRC = ''
      set number
      set cc=80
      set list
      set listchars=tab:→\ ,space:·,nbsp:␣,trail:•,eol:¶,precedes:«,extends:»
      if &diff
        colorscheme blue
    packages.myVimPackage = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
       start = [ ctrlp ];
To set Neovim as your default editor:
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
programs.neovim = {
  defaultEditor = true;
Further, the NixOS module does also expose options to automatically add <code>vi</code> and <code>vim</code> aliases.
To use them, add the following to your NixOS configuration:
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
programs.neovim = {
  viAlias = true;
  vimAlias = true;
=== With Home Manager ===
The Home Manager module does not expose many configuration options. Therefore, the easiest way to get started is to use the [ extraConfig] option.
You can copy your old config or directly load your default Neovim config via:
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
programs.neovim.extraConfig = lib.fileContents ../path/to/your/init.vim;
To use Neovim as your default editor, you can set the <code>EDITOR</code> [ environmental variable] to "nvim" by adding the following to your NixOS configuration:
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
environment.variables.EDITOR = "nvim";

Alternatively you can use the neovim module (merged in september 2020).
The Home Manager module does also expose options to automatically add <code>vi</code> and <code>vim</code> aliases.
To use them, add the following to your Home Manager configuration:

  programs.neovim.enable = true;
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
   programs.neovim.viAlias = true;
programs.neovim = {
  viAlias = true;
   vimAlias = true;

== Note on errors using default `packages` for plugins requiring Lua modules ==
==== Installing Plugins ====

[ Due to how the `runtimepath` for Lua modules is processed], your configuration may require `packadd! plugin-name` to require a module. A home-manager example:
Plugins can be installed using the <code>programs.neovim.plugins</code> option.
You can add only the plugin, or the plugin with its corresponding config:

  programs.neovim = {
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
    plugins = [
programs.neovim.plugins = [
        plugin = nvim-colorizer-lua
        config = ''
    plugin = pkgs.vimPlugins.vim-startify;
          packadd! nvim-colorizer.lua
     config = "let g:startify_change_to_vcs_root = 0";
          lua require 'colorizer'.setup()
If you only add the plugin, you can add the configuration as described above.
An index of official packages can be found in on [].
In addition to the official packages, there are several user maintained repositories, such as [ awesome-neovim-plugins] or [ NixNeovimPlugins]. Plugins which are
not available in any of these repositories may be integrated using the <code>vimUtils.buildVimPlugin</code> function from Nixpkgs:
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
  pname = "whatever";
  version = "whatever";
  src = builtins.fetchGit {
    url = "";
    ref = "whatever";
  buildScript = ":";
== Tips and tricks ==
=== Neovim Nightly ===

== To build neovim master ==
You can also use the [ Neovim Nightly Overlay] to install the most recent current nightly version of neovim.

Use the official documentation:
You can run the master version via the following command:
The neovim repository now contains a flake so you can run the master version via `nix run github:neovim/neovim?dir=contrib`

There is also an overlay available:
nix run "github:nix-community/neovim-nightly-overlay"
==== Developing / Building ====
If you want to develop neovim, you may use
  nix develop "github:nix-community/neovim-nightly-overlay"
to acquire a suitable environment.
=== Note on Lua plugins  ===
Due to how the `runtimepath` for Lua modules is [ processed], your configuration may require <code>packadd! plugin-name</code> to require a module. A home-manager example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
programs.neovim = {
  plugins = [
      plugin = pkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-colorizer-lua;
      config = ''
        packadd! nvim-colorizer.lua
        lua << END
require 'colorizer'.setup {
  '*'; -- Highlight all files, but customize some others.
  '!vim'; -- Exclude vim from highlighting.

== See Also ==
== See Also ==
* [[Vim]]
* [[Treesitter|Treesitter for Neovim]]
