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== Guides ==
== Guides ==

; OpenZFS Documentation for installing:
==== '''OpenZFS Documentation for installing:''' ====

{{warning|This guide is not endorsed by NixOS and some features like immutable root do not have upstream support and could break on updates. If an issue arises while following this guide, please consult the guides support channels.}}
{{warning|This guide is not endorsed by NixOS and some features like immutable root do not have upstream support and could break on updates. If an issue arises while following this guide, please consult the guides support channels.}}
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* Give understandable, easy to follow and close to the standard installation guide instructions
* Give understandable, easy to follow and close to the standard installation guide instructions
* integrating ZFS into your existing config
* integrating ZFS into your existing config
==== '''Simple nixos zfs installation''' ====
Start from here in the NixOS manual: [https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/#sec-installation-manual].
Under manual partitioning [https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/#sec-installation-manual-partitioning] do this instead:
'''Partition your disk with an boot and an zfs partition with your favorite partition tool.'''
Eg. 1G for boot partion, rest for zfs.
Example output from fdisk:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
fdisk /dev/nvme0n1
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 931.51 GiB, 1000204886016 bytes, 1953525168 sectors
Device          Start        End    Sectors  Size Type
/dev/nvme0n1p1    2048    2099199    2097152    1G EFI System
/dev/nvme0n1p2 2099200 1953523711 1951424512 930.5G Linux filesystem
'''Note:''' Remember to set boot partition (first partition) to "EFI System" type
'''Make zfs pool with encryption and mount points:'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
zpool create -O encryption=on -O keyformat=passphrase -O keylocation=prompt -O compression=on -O mountpoint=none -O xattr=sa -O acltype=posixacl zpool /dev/nvme0n1p2
zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy zpool/root
zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy zpool/nix
zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy zpool/var
zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy zpool/home
mkdir /mnt/root
mount -F zfs zpool/root /mnt
mkdir /mnt/nix /mnt/var /mnt/home
mount -F zfs zpool/nix /mnt/nix
mount -F zfs zpool/var /mnt/var
mount -F zfs zpool/zpool /mnt/zpool
Output from <syntaxhighlight lang="bash" inline>zpool status</syntaxhighlight>:
<syntaxhighlight >
zpool status
  pool: zpool
state: ONLINE
NAME                              STATE    READ WRITE CKSUM
zpool                              ONLINE      0    0    0
  nvme-eui.0025384b21406566-part2  ONLINE      0    0    0
'''Make fat filesystem on boot partition'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
mkfs.fat -F 32 -n boot /dev/nvme0n1p1
Install: [https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/#sec-installation-manual-installing]
Jump to "2. UEFI systems"
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
mkdir -p /mnt/boot
mount /dev/disk/by-label/boot /mnt/boot
Jump to "4." ... /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix ...
Continue from here and add this Boot loader config to your configuration.nix:
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
Boot loader config for configuration.nix:
  boot.loader.grub = {
    enable = true;
    zfsSupport = true;
    efiSupport = true;
    efiInstallAsRemovable = true;
    mirroredBoots = [
      { devices = [ "nodev"]; path = "/boot"; }
'''Note:''' Remove / comment out <syntaxhighlight lang="nix" inline>boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;</syntaxhighlight> config if added by<syntaxhighlight lang="nix" inline>nixos-generate-config</syntaxhighlight>

== Importing on boot ==
== Importing on boot ==