Hardware/Razer: Difference between revisions

Johanno (talk | contribs)
Updating to unstable version of openrazer
Johanno (talk | contribs)
Add razer usb reset.
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== USB disable Issues ==
If you are encountering issues that your Razer keyboard does light up on boot shortly and then can not be found by the open-razer-daemon until you unplug your USB cable and re-plug it. Then you might want to reset your USB on startup so that after login the daemon finds it again.<syntaxhighlight lang="nixos" line="1">
  # Razer usb reset. Since it disables somehow on boot.
  systemd.services."usb-reset" = {
    description = "Resets usb port for my Razer Keyboard";
    after = ["multi-user.target"];
    serviceConfig = {
        User = "root";
        Type = "simple";
        ExecStart=pkgs.writeShellScript "unit-restart-usb7_3" ''
          echo '7-3' |tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind
          echo '7-3' |tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/bind
        KillMode = "process";
        Restart = "on-failure";
    wantedBy = ["graphical.target"];
  systemd.services."usb-reset".enable = true;
</syntaxhighlight>7-3 is the Bus: 7 and the Port: 3
How to figure those out you can read here: