Overlays: Difference between revisions

m fix heading level
example of overriding a scope
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=== Overriding a package inside a scope ===
Some packages are not in the top level of nixpkgs but inside a ''scope''. For example all [[GNOME]] packages are in the <code>gnome3</code> attribute set and [[Xfce]] packages inside <code>xfce</code>. These attributes are often ''scopes'' and must be overriden specially. Here is an example of patching <code>xfce.xfce4-terminal</code>.
<syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
# elements of nixpkgs must be taken from self and super
self: super:
  xfce = super.xfce.overrideScope' (
    # elements of pkgs.xfce must be taken from selfx and superx
    selfx: superx: {
      xfce4-terminal = superx.xfce4-terminal.overrideAttrs (
        old: {
          patches = (old.patches or []) ++ [
              # https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16682
              super.fetchpatch {
                url = "https://bugzilla.xfce.org/attachment.cgi?id=9709";
                sha256 = "1shxzzvwsybri772lbm17rpd1l0g9y2vc7f7xgqlgkgz72wzr5zp";
=== Python Packages Overlay ===
=== Python Packages Overlay ===