Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| {{warning | Incomplete Documentation Reason: being worked on}}
| |
| |
| [https://tauri.app/ | Tauri] is a optimized & secure [ Electron] Alternative out there. It runs natively
| |
| |
| == Getting Started With Developing [https://tauri.app/ | Tauri] on [https://nixos.org/ | Nix/NixOS] ==
| |
| |
| To get started developing[https://tauri.app/ | Tauri] you need a setup a devshell with the following packages:
| |
| ...
| |
| |
| |
| == Building A Tauri App Using Nix ==
| |
| To build a tauri app use the following template below
| |
| |
| <syntaxhighlight lang="nix">
| |
| {
| |
| lib,
| |
| buildNpmPackage,
| |
| openssl,
| |
| stdenv,
| |
| pkg-config,
| |
| glibc,
| |
| libsoup_3,
| |
| gtk3,
| |
| cairo,
| |
| webkitgtk_4_1,
| |
| nodejs-slim,
| |
| cargo-tauri,
| |
| cargo,
| |
| rustPlatform,
| |
| rustc,
| |
| bun,
| |
| darwin,
| |
| llvmPackages,
| |
| rustup,
| |
| libiconv,
| |
| }:
| |
| |
| let
| |
| inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks)
| |
| Security
| |
| SystemConfiguration
| |
| AppKit
| |
| WebKit
| |
| CoreFoundation
| |
| ;
| |
| in
| |
| buildNpmPackage rec {
| |
| pname = "Example Name"; # TODO: Change This
| |
| version = "0.0.1-dev"; # TODO: Change This
| |
| dontNpmBuild = true; # Don't want to npm build since it will produce the application from tauri
| |
| |
| src = ./..;
| |
| |
| npmDepsHash = "sha256-eNAOAjBZQ/L9MMHRFOZi6+wIsj0axF6y7bbdswOuPww=";
| |
| |
| cargoDeps = rustPlatform.importCargoLock {
| |
| lockFile = "${src}/src-tauri/Cargo.lock";
| |
| outputHashes = {
| |
| "tauri-plugin-clipboard-manager-2.1.0-beta.1" = "sha256-2F+OkX92B2/aJva86orotHc7mYUZuaYAmKx50dDp2Sc=";
| |
| };
| |
| };
| |
| |
| configurePhase = ''
| |
| export HOME=$(mktemp -d)
| |
| '';
| |
| |
| preBuild = if stdenv.isLinux then "cargo tauri build -b deb" else "cargo tauri build -b app";
| |
| cargoRoot = "src-tauri/";
| |
| |
| preInstall =
| |
| if stdenv.isLinux then
| |
| "mv src-tauri/target/release/bundle/deb/*/data/usr/ \"$out\""
| |
| else
| |
| "mv src-tauri/target/release/bundle/macos/* \"$out/\"";
| |
| |
| nativeBuildInputs =
| |
| [
| |
| pkg-config
| |
| rustPlatform.cargoSetupHook
| |
| cargo
| |
| rustc
| |
| cargo-tauri
| |
| nodejs-slim
| |
| openssl
| |
| bun
| |
| ]
| |
| ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
| |
| llvmPackages.libcxxStdenv
| |
| llvmPackages.libcxxClang
| |
| llvmPackages.libcxx
| |
| darwin.libobjc
| |
| darwin.libiconv
| |
| libiconv
| |
| Security
| |
| SystemConfiguration
| |
| AppKit
| |
| WebKit
| |
| CoreFoundation
| |
| ];
| |
| |
| buildInputs =
| |
| [ openssl ]
| |
| ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [
| |
| glibc
| |
| libsoup_3
| |
| cairo
| |
| gtk3
| |
| webkitgtk_4_1
| |
| ]
| |
| ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
| |
| Security
| |
| darwin.libiconv
| |
| SystemConfiguration
| |
| AppKit
| |
| WebKit
| |
| rustup
| |
| ];
| |
| |
| meta = with lib; {
| |
| description = "Example description"; # TODO: Change This
| |
| homepage = "https://example.com"; # TODO: Change This
| |
| license = with licenses; [ MIT ]; # TODO: Change This
| |
| mainProgram = "program"; # TODO: Change This
| |
| maintainers = with maintainers; []; # TODO: Change This
| |
| };
| |
| }
| |
| </syntaxhighlight>
| |
| |
| |
| {{note | You may need a beta version of [Cargo Tauri] please grab the package the nixpkgs source and modify version and hashes. If your maintainer of cargo-tauri please consider a beta version of the package}}
| |