Node.js: Difference between revisions

introduce direnv as antoher possibility
add packaging with yarn2nix
Line 1: Line 1:
== Packaging ==
=== Package with yarn2nix ===
yarn2nix uses the yarn nodejs tool to create a file called yarn.lock, which in return can be used by yarn2nix to generate a usable yarn expression.
This is what was needed to convert a small application server  [ shackspace muellshack]:
<syntaxHighlight lang=console>
$ nix-shell -p yarn yarn2nix
$ yarn install
# creates yarn.lock
$ yarn2nix > yarn.nix
$ vim package.json
# add:    "bin": "app.js",
$ cat > default.nix <<EOF
with (import <nixpkgs> {});
rec {
  muellshack = mkYarnPackage {
    name = "muellshack";
    src = ./.;
    packageJSON = ./package.json;
    yarnLock = ./yarn.lock;
    yarnNix = ./yarn.nix;
$ sed -i '1i#!/usr/bin/env node' app.js
$ chmod +x app.js
$ nix-build
$ result/bin/muellshack
The complete diff can be found at [ the respective diff]

== FAQ ==
== FAQ ==