netdata is a metrics tool, which comes with a lot of sane preconfiguration. It contains of various plugins, which need to be enabled sometimes with additional effort.
Adding node
- Install the netdata package and enable the service.
- When adding new node in the web interface you get a token, write that token to /var/lib/netdata/cloud.d/token
- As root run
nix-shell -p netdata --run ""
Streaming node setup
Ensure you choose appropriate access control for your nodes.
Receiver node
services.netdata.configDir."stream.conf" = let mkChildNode = apiKey: allowFrom: '' [${apiKey}] enabled = yes default history = <a value of your choice> default memory mode = dbengine # a good default health enabled by default = auto allow from = ${allowFrom} ''; in pkgs.writeText "stream.conf" '' [stream] # This won't stream by itself, except if the receiver is a sender too, which is possible in netdata model. enabled = no enable compression = yes # An allowed sender node ${mkChildNode "an API key" "an allowed IP"} '';
Sender node
services.netdata.configDir."stream.conf" = pkgs.writeText "stream.conf" '' [stream] enabled = yes destination = receiver-hostname-or-ip-address:19999 api key = any string that is set also on the receiver side '';
If you don't need any web UI and want to consume minimal resources on the sender node, use:
services.netdata = { config = { global = { "memory mode" = "none"; }; web = { mode = "none"; "accept a streaming request every seconds" = 0; }; }; };
This way, it won't spawn any web UI, neither store any metric locally.
Python Plugins
To enable the nvidia-smi
plugin you have to make sure nvidia-smi
can be called by netdata
. = true; = [pkgs.linuxPackages.nvidia_x11]; services.netdata.configDir."python.d.conf" = pkgs.writeText "python.d.conf" '' nvidia_smi: yes '';
To enable samba
plugin additional permissions and configurations will need to be set.
services.netdata.configDir."python.d.conf" = pkgs.writeText "python.d.conf" '' samba: yes ''; # add samba and sudo to path of python plugin = [ pkgs.samba "/run/wrappers" ]; # permit to run sudo smbstatus -P security.sudo.extraConfig = '' netdata ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: ${pkgs.samba}/bin/smbstatus ''; # as documented here : # review capabilityset above if other plugins are non functional = ["CAP_SETGID"]; # enable profiling services.samba.extraConfig = '' smbd profiling level = on '';