Kitty is a modern, fast, GPU-based terminal emulator that leverages modern graphics hardware for high performance. It works on macOS and Linux, supporting multiple tabs and windows for managing sessions. Kitty can be extended with scripts, supports Unicode and emojis, and offers extensive customization through its configuration file. It integrates well with the operating system, including features like clipboard support and drag-and-drop functionality. Known for its high performance and responsiveness, Kitty is actively maintained with regular updates.
Overall, it is a powerful and flexible terminal emulator for advanced users.
Using nix-shell
nix-shell -p kitty
Using Global Configuration
environment.systemPackages = [
After modifying your configuration, apply the changes by running:
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
Using Home Configuration
home.packages = [
After updating your configuration, apply the changes by running:
home-manager switch
programs.kitty = {
enable = true;
programs.kitty = lib.mkForce {
enable = true;
settings = {
confirm_os_window_close = 0;
dynamic_background_opacity = true;
enable_audio_bell = false;
mouse_hide_wait = "-1.0";
window_padding_width = 10;
background_opacity = "0.5";
background_blur = 5;
symbol_map = let
mappings = [
(builtins.concatStringsSep "," mappings) + " Symbols Nerd Font";
Tips and Tricks
Location of Options
The home manager options are defined in the following Home Manager Options Manual.
Stylix Integration
Yes, it can. See the following configuration:
extraConfig = with config.stylix.base16Scheme; ''
foreground #${base05}
background #${base00}
color0 #${base03}
color1 #${base08}
color2 #${base0B}
color3 #${base09}
color4 #${base0D}
color5 #${base0E}
color6 #${base0C}
color7 #${base06}
color8 #${base04}
color9 #${base08}
color10 #${base0B}
color11 #${base0A}
color12 #${base0C}
color13 #${base0E}
color14 #${base0C}
color15 #${base07}
color16 #${base00}
color17 #${base0F}
color18 #${base0B}
color19 #${base09}
color20 #${base0D}
color21 #${base0E}
color22 #${base0C}
color23 #${base06}
cursor #${base07}
cursor_text_color #${base00}
selection_foreground #${base01}
selection_background #${base0D}
url_color #${base0C}
active_border_color #${base04}
inactive_border_color #${base00}
bell_border_color #${base03}
tab_bar_style fade
tab_fade 1
active_tab_foreground #${base04}
active_tab_background #${base00}
active_tab_font_style bold
inactive_tab_foreground #${base07}
inactive_tab_background #${base08}
inactive_tab_font_style bold
tab_bar_background #${base00}
Stylix can also do it automatically for you. You have to set:
stylix.targets.kitty.enable = true;
It depends on the window manager that you are using. On Hyprland it's fairly easy:
bind = [
"$mod, Q, exec, kitty"