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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Newcomers to NixOS are encouraged to read the [[Nix Ecosystem|Nix Core Ecosystem]] overview article to get a comprehensive orientation. For more specific introductions, see:
* [[NixOS]]
* [[Nix package manager]]
* [[Nixpkgs]] package repository
* [[Overview of the Nix Language |Nix Language]]
If you want to try Nix standalone in another Linux distribution or on a Mac, take your first steps on [].
 h 한국어 (ko)NixOS를 처음 접하는 분들은 [[Nix Ecosystem|Nix 코어 생태계]] 개요 문서를 읽어보시고 포괄적인 방향을 잡으시길 바랍니다. 더 구체적인 소개는 다음을 참조하세요:
* [[NixOS]]
* [[Nix package manager|Nix 패키지 관리자]]
* [[Nixpkgs]] 패키지 저장소
* [[Overview of the Nix Language |Nix 언어]]
다른 리눅스 배포판이나 Mac에서 독립 실행형 Nix를 사용하려면 []에서 시작하세요.
 h русский (ru)Новичкам в NixOS рекомендуется прочитать обзорную статью [[Nix Ecosystem|Экосистема Nix]], чтобы получить полное представление. Для более конкретного ознакомления см:
* [[NixOS]]
* [[Nix package manager]]
* Репозиторий пакетов [[Nixpkgs]]
* [[Overview of the Nix Language |Nix Language]]
Если вы хотите попробовать Nix в автономном режиме в другом дистрибутиве Linux или на Mac, сделайте первые шаги на [[]].
 h 中文(中国大陆) (zh-cn)Newcomers to NixOS are encouraged to read the [[Nix Ecosystem|Nix Core Ecosystem]] overview article to get a comprehensive orientation. For more specific introductions, see:
* [[NixOS]]
* [[Nix package manager]]
* [[Nixpkgs]] package repository
* [[Overview of the Nix Language |Nix Language]]
If you want to try Nix standalone in another Linux distribution or on a Mac, take your first steps on (!error)