Framework Laptop 16

From NixOS Wiki
Revision as of 20:22, 29 June 2024 by Betalars (talk | contribs) (adding workaround to resolve waking up in backpack issue to →‎Configuration)

The Framework Laptop 16 is a configurable, upgradeable, and repairable laptop made by the Framework company.

Framework Laptop 16
Laptop 16
Manufacturer Framework
Architecture x86_64-linux
7040 Series
Status maybe supported


The device boots NixOS.

Known issues


Framework specific NixOS hardware options are bundled within the nixos-hardware project.

AMD 7040 Series

It is recommended to use power-profiles-daemon over tlp for the AMD framework.

Touchpad Palm Rejection

The Framework 16 keyboard is treated as an external USB device by libinput causing the touchpad to stay enabled when typing.

Fix sourced from here: by: @sumiflow

environment.etc = {
  "libinput/local-overrides.quirks".text = ''
    MatchName=Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module - ANSI Keyboard

Prevent wake up in backpack

Putting your Framework in a backpack can cause it to wake up due to the screen flexing onto the keyboard. While this is not resolved in Firmware, you can workaround this issue with a udev rule:

services.udev.extraRules = ''
   ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", DRIVERS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="32ac", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0012", ATTR{power/wakeup}="disabled", ATTR{driver/1-}="disabled"
   ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", DRIVERS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="32ac", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0014", ATTR{power/wakeup}="disabled", ATTR{driver/1-}="disabled"

The Product and Vendor IDs can be found using lsusb.

This does not prevent the trackpad from waking up the device. This however seems to happen less in a backpack.