Ente Photos

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Revision as of 20:22, 9 July 2024 by Pinpox (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[https://ente.io Ente] is a self-hostable Google Photos alternative with S3 support and client for web and all major platforms. The server API server (museum) and the web frontend (ente-web) can be deployed independently and are provided as two separate packages in nixpkgs. It is also possible to deploy only the API server and use a desktop or mobile client only, the frontend is not mandatory.")
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Ente is a self-hostable Google Photos alternative with S3 support and client for web and all major platforms.

The server API server (museum) and the web frontend (ente-web) can be deployed independently and are provided as two separate packages in nixpkgs. It is also possible to deploy only the API server and use a desktop or mobile client only, the frontend is not mandatory.