Yubikey based Full Disk Encryption (FDE) on NixOS

From NixOS Wiki
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This is a copy of the page from the original wiki.

This page is a minimalistic guide for setting up luks-based full disk encryption with YubiKey pre-boot authentication on a UEFI system. The YubiKey PBA in NixOS currently features two-factor authentication using a (secret) user passphrase and a YubiKey in challenge-response mode.


  • A NixOS live system (at least a recent 14.02pre) booted in UEFI mode on the target machine.
  • A YubiKey Standard plugged into the target machine with a free configuration slot (that will be overwritten).


Create a GPT partition table and two partitions on the target disk.

  • Partition 1: This will be the EFI system partition: 100MB-300MB
  • Partition 2: This will be the Luks-encrypted partition, aka the "luks device": Rest of your disk

In the following we will use variables for identification, so set them to match your setup, e.g. like this:


Setup the luks device

Step 1: Create the necessary filesystem on the efi system partition, which will store the current salt for the PBA, and mount it.

mkdir "$EFI_MNT"
mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n uefi "$EFI_PART"
mount "$EFI_PART" "$EFI_MNT"

Step 2: Decide where on the efi system partition to store the salt and prepare the directory layout accordingly.

mkdir -p "$(dirname $EFI_MNT$STORAGE)"

Step 3: Install the packages required by the next steps to the live system and make two bash helper functions available.


  • A C compiler, e.g. gcc
  • The YubiKey Personalization command line tool
  • OpenSSL
nix-env -i gcc-wrapper
nix-env -i ykpers
nix-env -i openssl

Helper functions:

  • Convert a raw binary string to a hexadecimal string
  • Convert a hexadecimal string to a raw binary string
rbtohex() {
    ( od -An -vtx1 | tr -d ' \n' )

hextorb() {
    ( tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | sed -e 's/\([0-9A-F]\{2\}\)/\\\\\\x\1/gI'| xargs printf )

Step 4: Compile a small C program (shipped with NixOS) that allows for direct access to OpenSSL's PBKDF2 implementation.

cc -O3 -I$(find / | grep "openssl/evp\.h" | head -1 | sed -e 's|/openssl/evp\.h$||g' | tr -d '\n') \ 
  -L$(find / | grep "lib/libcrypto" | head -1 | sed -e 's|/libcrypto\..*$||g' | tr -d '\n') \ 
  $(find / | grep "pbkdf2-sha512\.c" | head -1 | tr -d '\n') -o ./pbkdf2-sha512 -lcrypto

Step 5: Gather the initial salt for the PBA (set its length to what you find time-feasible on your machine).

salt="$(dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=$SALT_LENGTH 2>/dev/null | rbtohex)"

Step 6: Gather the random secret key for the YubiKey (Important: This key should not be stored anywhere other than the YubiKey, as that poses a security risk).

k_yubi="$(dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=20 2>/dev/null | rbtohex)"

Step 7: Get the user passphrase used as the second factor in the PBA.

read -s k_user

Step 7.5: Make very sure, that $k_user contains the correct user passphrase, or you will not be able to access your system after shutting down the live system.

Step 8: Calculate the initial challenge to the YubiKey.

challenge="$(echo -n $salt | openssl dgst -binary -sha512 | rbtohex)"

Step 9: Calculate the response the YubiKey should give to that challenge (Only possible because right now we still know the secret key for the YubiKey).

response="$(echo -n $challenge | hextorb | openssl dgst -binary -sha1 -mac HMAC -macopt hexkey:$k_yubi | rbtohex)"

Step 10: Derive the Luks slot key from the two factors.

Set the length of the Luks slot key and the ciphter appropriately.

As an example, we will use AES-256, so we set the Luks device slot key length to 512 bit.

Set the iteration count used for PBKDF2 to a high value still time-feasible for your machine.

k_luks="$(echo -n $k_user | ./pbkdf2-sha512 $(($KEY_LENGTH / 8)) $ITERATIONS $response | rbtohex)"

If you choose to authenticate without a user passphrase (not recommended), use this instead of the line above

k_luks="$(echo | ./pbkdf2-sha512 $(($KEY_LENGTH / 8)) $ITERATIONS $response | rbtohex)"

Step 11: Create the luks device.

  • Set the cipher used by Luks appropriately
  • Set the has used by Luks appropriately
echo -n "$k_luks" | hextorb | cryptsetup luksFormat --cipher="$CIPHER" \ 
  --key-size="$KEY_LENGTH" --hash="$HASH" --key-file=- "$LUKS_PART"

Step 12: Store the salt and iteration count to the efi systems partition.

echo -ne "$salt\n$ITERATIONS" > $EFI_MNT$STORAGE

Step 13: Store the secret key for the YubiKey on the YubiKey and configure it accordingly.

LVM setup

Step 1: Setup the Luks device as a physical volume.

pvcreate "/dev/mapper/$LUKSROOT"

Step 2: Setup a volume group on the Luks device.

Set the name for the volume group appropriately

vgcreate "$VGNAME" "/dev/mapper/$LUKSROOT"

Step 3: Setup two logical volumes on the Luks device.

  • Volume 1: This will be the swap partition: choose appropriate size, 2GB for example
  • Volume 2: This will be the main btrfs volume, of which all filesystem partitions will be subvolumes: Rest of the free space
lvcreate -L 2G -n swap "$VGNAME"
lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n "$FSROOT" "$VGNAME"

vgchange -ay

Step 4: Create the swap filesystem.

mkswap -L swap /dev/partitions/swap

Btrfs setup

Step 1: Create the main btrfs volume's filesystem.

mkfs.btrfs -L "$FSROOT" "/dev/partitions/$FSROOT"

Should the above fail, you might have encountered a bug that can be solved with doing the following, then attempting the above again:

mkdir /mnt-root
touch /mnt-root/nix-store.squashfs

Step 2: Mount the main btrfs volume.

mount "/dev/partitions/$FSROOT" /mnt

Step 3: Create the subvolumes, for example "root" and "home".

cd /mnt
btrfs subvolume create root
btrfs subvolume create home

Step 4: Create mountpoints on the root subvolume and finalise things for NixOS installation.

umount /mnt
mount -o subvol=root "/dev/partitions/$FSROOT" /mnt

mkdir /mnt/home
mount -o subvol=home "/dev/partitions/$FSROOT" /mnt/home

mkdir /mnt/boot
mount "EFI_PART" /mnt/boot

swapon /dev/partitions/swap

NixOS installation

Configure and install NixOS as you normally would, with these changes:

Remove all detected filesystems from hardware-configuration.nix. Add the following to your configuration.nix (Replace anything that looks like a Bash variable with the value that it currently holds for in your shell and modify as needed):

# Minimal list of modules to use the efi system partition and the YubiKey
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "vfat" "nls_cp437" "nls_iso8859-1" "usbhid" ];

# Crypto setup, set modules accordingly
boot.initrd.luks.cryptoModules = [ "aes" "xts" "sha512" ];

# Enable support for the YubiKey PBA
boot.initrd.luks.yubikeySupport = true;
# Configuration to use your Luks device
boot.initrd.luks.devices = [ {
  name = "luksroot";
  device = "LUKS_PART";
  preLVM = true;
  yubikey = {
    storage = {
      device = $EFI_PART;
} ];

# File systems
swapDevices = [ { device = "/dev/partitions/swap"; } ];

fileSystems."/" = {
  label = "root";
  device = "/dev/partitions/$FSROOT";
  fsType = "btrfs";
  options = "subvol=root";

fileSystems."/home" = {
  label = "home";
  device = "/dev/partitions/$FSROOT";
  fsType = "btrfs";
  options = "subvol=home";

Finally, clean up and you should be ready to reboot into your new system:

umount /mnt/{home,boot,}
swapoff /dev/partitions/swap
vgchange -an
cryptsetup luksClose "$LUKSROOT"

Set the slot used on the YubiKey appropriately

ykpersonalize -"$SLOT" -ochal-resp -ochal-hmac -a"$k_yubi"

Step 14: Open the luks device with the initial slot key.

Set the name for the luks device appropriately

echo -n "$k_luks" | hextorb | cryptsetup luksOpen --key-file=- "$LUKS_PART" "$LUKSROOT"

Step 15: Unmount the efi system partition.

umount "$EFI_MNT"