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Qutebrowser is a keyboard centric web browser written in Python. It is available as nixpkg qutebrowser.

Installing dictionaries

As of July 2022, there isn't a documented way to install dictionaries systemwide. As a workaround, one can do the following.

Locate a copy of dictcli.py

$ # Get the root of the qutebrowser package
$ nix-store --query --outputs $(which qutebrowser)
nix-store --query --outputs $(which qutebrowser)
$ # Locate dictcli.py within the qutebrowser package root
$ find /nix/store/l50mh79mykqkr6dnx4rkdihcvis9z1v8-qutebrowser-2.5.1 -name dictcli.py
$ # Then run it
$ /nix/store/l50mh79mykqkr6dnx4rkdihcvis9z1v8-qutebrowser-2.5.1/share/qutebrowser/scripts/dictcli.py
usage: dictcli [-h] {list,update,remove-old,install} ...
dictcli: error: the following arguments are required: cmd
$ # Or more simply:
$ $(find $(nix-store --query --outputs $(which qutebrowser)) -name 'dictcli.py' | head -1)
usage: dictcli [-h] {list,update,remove-old,install} ...
dictcli: error: the following arguments are required: cmd

List installed and available dictionaries

Installed dictionaries will have their installed version listed under the 'installed' column.

$ $(find $(nix-store --query --outputs $(which qutebrowser)) -iname '*dictcli.py*' | head -1) list
Code   Name                      Version Installed
af-ZA  Afrikaans (South Africa)  3.0     -    
bg-BG  Bulgarian (Bulgaria)      3.0     -    
... SNIP ...
en-US  English (United States)   9.0     -    
... SNIP ...
uk-UA  Ukrainian (Ukraine)       4.0     -    
vi-VN  Vietnamese (Viet Nam)     3.0     -

Install a dictionary

$ $(find $(nix-store --query --outputs $(which qutebrowser)) -iname '*dictcli.py*' | head -1) install en-US
Installing en-US: English (United States)
/home/winston/.local/share/qutebrowser/qtwebengine_dictionaries does not exist, creating the directory
Downloading https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/hunspell_dictionaries.git/+/master/en-US-9-0.bdic?format=TEXT
Installed to /home/winston/.local/share/qutebrowser/qtwebengine_dictionaries/en-US-9-0.bdic.

See also