
From NixOS Wiki
Revision as of 17:10, 14 November 2022 by imported>Onny (Add usage examples)

Firejail is an easy to use SUID sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces, seccomp-bpf and Linux capabilities.


Add following line to your system configuration to install Firejail globally

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ firejail ];


To start an application in a sandboxed enviroment use Firejail like this

firejail bash

For a graphical application like Firefox web browser, it is recommended to also use a profile

firejail --profile=$(nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes eval -f '<nixpkgs>' --raw 'firejail')/etc/firejail/firefox.profile firefox