Overview of the NixOS Linux distribution

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Revision as of 11:31, 25 November 2017 by imported>HLandau (→‎Declarative Configuration)

NixOS is a Linux distribution based on the Nix Package Manager. It supports reproducible and declarative system-wide configuration management as well as atomic upgrades and rollbacks, although it can additionally support imperative package and user management. In NixOS, all components of the distribution — including the kernel, installed packages and system configuration files — are built by Nix from purely functional (that is, side-effect free) Nix expressions.

Since Nix uses binary caching, this provides a unique compromise between the binary-oriented approach used by distributions such as Debian and the source-oriented approach used by distributions such as Gentoo. Binaries can be used for standard components, and custom-built packages and modules can be used automatically when a prebuilt binary is not available.

Stable NixOS releases are delivered biannually. NixOS was created by Eelco Dolstra and Armijn Hemel, and initially released in 2003. It is community developed and maintained under the stewardship of the NixOS Foundation.



For a full installation guide, see the Installation chapter of the NixOS manual.

Most users will install NixOS via one of the ISO images. Both "graphical" and "minimal" ISO variants are available for each supported architecture; the "graphical" images are suitable for users intending to install a desktop environment, and the "minimal" images are suitable for users intending to install NixOS in a server role or desiring a smaller ISO image.

The ISO images are hybrid images which can be burnt to optical media or copied raw to a USB drive and booted as-is. See the installation guide for details.

In addition to the ISO images, the download page provides a number of alternative methods for installing NixOS. These include:

  • virtual appliances in OVA format (compatible with VirtualBox);
  • Amazon EC2 AMIs;
  • Microsoft Azure blobs.

Additionally, many existing Linux installations can be converted into NixOS installations using nixos-infect or nixos-in-place; this is particularly useful for installing NixOS on hosting providers which do not natively support NixOS.

For information on installing NixOS on various ARM devices, see NixOS on ARM.

Declarative Configuration

One of NixOS's most distinguishing features is the ability to declaratively configure the whole system. This is done by specifying a configuration file which specifies the entire system state, including which packages should be installed and all the various system settings and options. This configuration file is normally located at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix (although another location may be specified using the environment variable NIX_PATH); after the configuration file is modified, the new configuration is then made active by running nixos-rebuild switch. The switch is atomic and can be rolled back if necessary. The configuration files under /etc/nixos may even be kept in a version control system such as Git if desired.

Conventional distributions require users to manually modify configuration files, but these changes are not tracked. If distributions change the default contents of configuration files, these changes often have to be manually merged by users if they have previously modified the file, or the distribution modifications may not be integrated at all, leading to undesired configuration drift. Configuration settings and changes are rarely recorded in a version control system. These shortcomings are often rectified after-the-fact if at all by configuration management solutions such as Puppet or Chef. These tools reconcile system configuration with a description of the expected state. However, these tools are not integrated into the operating system design and are simply layered on top, and OS configuration may still vary where an aspect of OS configuration has not been specified in the description of expected state.

By comparison, NixOS's declarative configuration system provides a fully integrated facility for OS configuration management. Failure to specify any given item of configuration results in that item having a well-defined state, rather than being allowed to drift unmonitored. Because the full system configuration is captured in the NixOS configuration system, this also makes NixOS highly suited to the automatic deployment of configuration in environments such as automated server farms; tools such as NixOps make this easy.

The following is an example /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

{ config, pkgs, ... }: 

    # Import other configuration modules
    # (hardware-configuration.nix is autogenerated upon installation)
    # paths in nix expressions are always relative the file which defines them
    imports =

    # Name your host machine
    networking.hostName = "mymachine"; 

    # Set your time zone.
    time.timeZone = "Europe/Utrecht";

    # Enter keyboard layout
    services.xserver.layout = "us";
    services.xserver.xkbVariant = "altgr-intl";

    # Define user accounts
    users.users = 
            myuser = 
                home = "/home/myuser";
                extraGroups = [ "wheel" "networkmanager" ];
                isNormalUser = true;
                uid = 1000;
    # Install some packages
    environment.systemPackages = 
            with pkgs; 
    # Enable the OpenSSH daemon
    services.openssh.enable = true;

For inspiration, a variety of NixOS configuration files made by community members can be found in the Configuration Collection.

Imperative Operations

User Environment Management

In addition to declarative system configuration, NixOS offers imperative commands to manage user specific package management. These operations are managed by the nix-env command line tool. The following is a summary of some common operations that can be performed with it:

Common nix-env Commands:

Searching for packages nix-env -qaP '.*packagename.*'
Installing a package nix-env -i packagename
List installed packages nix-env -q
Uninstall packages nix-env -e packagename
Upgrade packages nix-env -u


Nix channels are mechanisms for distributing Nix expressions alongside the associated binaries for them. Official Nix channels are automatically updated once a certain tests are passed in Nixpkgs' Hydra instance. It is also possible to create one's own Nix channels, but here we focus the official channels. A full list of the available official channels is available at https://nixos.org/channels/, but they can be classified into three main types.

Channel Types:

Stable nixos-17.09 These receive conservative updates for fixing bugs and security vulnerabilities.
Unstable nixos-unstable Corresponds to the main development branch of Nixpkgs, delivering the latest tested updates.
Small nixos-17.09-small, nixos-unstable-small Identical to their normal namesakes, but containing fewer binaries. This means they update faster but require more to be built from source.

NixOS will use the root's channels to update the system wide configuration, and user-specific channels to manage the user environment; this means that you must sudo commands intended to manage the channel your configuration.nix should use. The following are common commands to manage channels on NixOS:

Listing current channels nix-channel --list
Adding a primary channel nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/channel-name nixos
Adding other channels nix-channel --add https://some.channel/url my-alias
Remove a channel nix-channel --remove channel-alias
Updating a channel nix-channel --update channel-alias
Updating all channels nix-channel --update

Note that after updating channels, one still has to rebuild with nixos-rebuild switch, but one can also run nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade to update channels and rebuild.


Nix Store

Nix parses Nix expressions written in the Nix Expression Language; these are pure functions taking dependencies as arguments and producing derivation specifying a reproducible build environment for the package. The package is then built the Nix store, receiving a unique address specified by a cryptographic hash of the build's dependency graph followed by the package name and version, for example /nix/store/nawl092prjblbhvv16kxxbk6j9gkgcqm-git-2.14.1. This allows Nix to simultaneously install different versions of the same package, and even different builds of the same version, for example variants built with different compilers.






See also