Local discovery
To sync local tracks from your filesystem with mobile devices in the same network, you need to open port 57621 by adding the following line to your configuration.nix:
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 57621 ];
The alternative client spotifyd is available as a package, nixos module, and home-manager module.
spotifyd must have your credentials when it starts, otherwise it will not be able to authenticate with Spotify, and will not show up as a device. If installing spotifyd as a package, give it credentials when starting, e.g.:
spotifyd --username <USER> --password <PASS>
If installing spotifyd as a systemd service via home-manager, you can supply your credentials via options. Example home-manager config:
services.spotifyd = { enable = true; settings = { global = { username = "Alex"; password = "foo"; }; } ; }
spotifyd connects to spotify as a spotify-connect device. It offers no controls of its own, but can be controlled via playerctl or spotify-tui.