
From NixOS Wiki

eCryptfs is a cryptographic filesystem encrypting each file individually. To install ecryptfs add the following to environment.systemPackages:

{ pkgs, ... }: {
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

man ecryptfs-migrate-home describes how to encrypt your home folder. The TL;DR is that you need to: log out, log in as root, modprobe ecryptfs if needed, kill all processes that still access the home folder you want to migrate (check with lsof /home/YOURUSERNAME), wait for it to finish, then run ecryptfs-migrate-home -u YOURUSERNAME, then log in as your migrated user before rebooting.

To automatically mount your private folder on login with PAM, add this to your config:

  security.pam.enableEcryptfs = true;

Don't forget to also load the ecryptfs kernel module on boot as well in this case:

  boot.kernelModules = ["ecryptfs"];