
From NixOS Wiki

Rspamd is a fast, free and open-source spam filtering system.


To enable Rspamd add following line to your system configuration

services.rspamd.enable = true;


Bayesian spam training

To enable bayesian spam training, enable a Redis instance and configure it in Rspamd as a backend

services.rspamd = {
  locals = {
    "redis.conf".text = ''
      servers = "${}";
    "classifier-bayes.conf".text = ''
      backend = "redis";
      autolearn = true;

services.redis.servers.rspamd = {
  enable = true;
  # 0 disables listening to TCP ports and will only use unix sockets. Default
  # unix socket path is /run/redis-${name}/redis.sock thus
  # /run/redis-rspamd/redis.sock here.
  port = 0;
  user =;

Whitelist domain

To whitelist a specific domain (in this example the domain which otherwise gets rejected by Rspamd for various reasons, this custom configuration override can be added:

services.rspamd = {
  enable = true;
  overrides."whitelist.conf".text = ''
    whitelist_from { = true;

DKIM key

This module verifies the authenticity of emails through the analysis of DKIM signatures. In this example, we're configure a custom DKIM key file path suitable for the mailserver Maddy and adjust the group permissions for the Rspamd service.

services.rspamd = {
  enable = true;
  locals."dkim_signing.conf".text = ''
    selector = "default";
    domain = "";
    path = "/var/lib/maddy/dkim_keys/$domain_$selector.key";
}; = [ "maddy" ];

Tips and tricks

Helper script to train rspamd

The following example enables rspamd-trainer as a daemon which will run every 10 minutes to check for mails in the inbox of which should be used for spam/ham training.

services.rspamd-trainer = {
  enable = true;
  settings = {
    HOST = "";
    USERNAME = "";
  secrets = [
    # Do not use this in production. This will make passwords
    # world-readable in the Nix store
    "${pkgs.writeText "secrets" ''
      PASSWORD = test123

The script will look into INBOX/report_ham and INBOX/report_spam respectivley for mails which will be feed into rspamd for training. After that they get moved to INBOX/learned_ham and INBOX/learned_spam. The report directories have to be created before that. You can do this using openssl:

# openssl s_client -connect -crlf
A login test123
A create "INBOX/report_spam"
A create "INBOX/report_ham"
A create "INBOX/report_spam_reply"