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From NixOS Wiki

RustDesk is a remote desktop remote maintenance software. It can be used with the official server as well as with a self-hosted server (better confidentiality and availability). Open source client and server are included in nixpgks. RustDesk offers an improved server for self-hosting in the rental model (not included in nixpkgs).


There are two versions of the client available rustdesk (deprecated) and rustdesk-flutter (more recent). They do not need any changes in the configuration to be used with the official server.

To use the client with a custom server, it is necessary to change in the network preferences (burger menu --> network):

ID-Server: [enter IP or domain name of server]
Relay-Server: [Enter IP or domain name of server]
API-Server:  [leave blank]
Key: [Copy the content from /var/lib/private/rustdesk/id_ed25519.pub]


There are only a few options necessary to run a RustDesk server:

services.rustdesk-server = {
  enable = true;
  openFirewall = true;
  signal.relayHosts = ["example.com"];

The key is stored at: /var/lib/private/rustdesk/id_ed25519.pub