There are some Special:WantedPages.
My article wishlist
Desktop environments
Window manager
all of them
all of them
CLI applications
- yazi file manager UI
- lazygit git UI
- tig git UI
- pandoc file format conversion tool
- Helix text editor
- nb note taking UI
- zellij
GUI applications
- Filezilla FTP and SCP client
- Thunderbird E-Mail Client
- Rustdesk Remote Support Client
- Chromium Browser
- Firefox Browser
- Chrome Browser
- PDF Arranger or some other PDF tools
- some PDF Editor
- OpenTabletDriver GUI for configuring pen tablets
- XJournal++ Tool for writing in PDF with pen tablet / note taking
- Zim note taking app
- Obsidian note taking app
- QOwnNotes note taking app
- Dwarf Fortress
- Exult Emulator/engine for Ultima 7
- ScummVM Emulator/engine for lots of games
- Gold Box Companion Enhancement for SSI Goldbox Games