What is 3proxy
3proxy is universal proxy server. It can be used to provide internal users with fully controllable access to external resources or to provide external users with access to internal resources. 3proxy is not developed to replace squid, but it can extend functionality of existing caching proxy. It can be used to route requests between different types of clients and proxy servers. Think about it as application level gateway with configuration like hardware router has for network layer. It can establish multiple gateways with HTTP and HTTPS proxy with FTP over HTTP support, SOCKS v4, v4.5 and v5, POP3 proxy, UDP and TCP portmappers.
Sample configuration
Just add the following to your NixOS configuration i.e. the configuration.nix
services._3proxy = {
enable = true;
services = [
type = "socks";
auth = [ "strong" ];
acl = [ {
rule = "allow";
users = [ "test1" ];
usersFile = "/etc/3proxy.passwd";
environment.etc = {
"3proxy.passwd".text = ''
This sample configuration runs a single instance as socks proxy with user/password auth. The password can be clear text, as indicated by the CL
for user test1
or it can be encrypted as indicated by the CR
for user test2
. You can generate md5-crypted passwords via https://unix4lyfe.org/crypt/
Note: The htpasswd
tool generates incompatible md5-crypted passwords (see https://github.com/z3APA3A/3proxy/wiki/How-To-(incomplete)#USERS )
If not set otherwise, open port 1080
on the firewall.
To use in Firefox, you can install the FoxyProxy addon and create a new proxy. Give it a name, use SOCKS5
and provide the proxy's ip address or domain name. If not set otherwise, use port 1080
and provider username and password.