Postfix for Gmail
This is how to setup Postfix to use Gmail as a relay host, so it can send email via Gmail, e.g. for output of cronjobs etc.
Secrets Configuration
This page follows the configuration defined in sops-nix
, but you can use any secret managing scheme.
Add a "postfix/sasl_passwd" secret
Create an app password specifically for this postfix installation at (logged in as you).
You end up with a 16 character string separated by spaces. Put that in a sops secret:
nix-shell -p sops --run "sops /etc/nixos/sops-secrets.yaml"
Create this entry, using the 16 character string without spaces (Don't use the "abcdefghjklmnopq" string below. It won't work :-) ):
postfix: sasl_passwd: '[]:587'
Configure Postfix
sops.secrets."postfix/sasl_passwd".owner =;
services.postfix = { enable = true; relayHost = ""; relayPort = 587; config = { smtp_use_tls = "yes"; smtp_sasl_auth_enable = "yes"; smtp_sasl_security_options = ""; smtp_sasl_password_maps = "texthash:${config.sops.secrets."postfix/sasl_passwd".path}"; # optional: Forward mails to root (e.g. from cron jobs, smartd) # to me privately and to my work email: virtual_alias_maps = "inline:{ {,} }"; }; };
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
Send an email explicitly to
nix-shell -p mailutils --run \ 'echo "This is a test email." | mail -s "Test Email from NixOS"'
Send an email explicitly to root that gets sent to and (if you opted in for virtual_alias_maps)
nix-shell -p mailutils --run \ 'echo "This is a test email." | mail -s "Test Email from NixOS to root" root'
Porting my postfix gmail smtp to nixos on the NixOS Discourse.