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Talk:Manual of Style

From NixOS Wiki

Suggestion: Remove nonsensical warning about copyright violations from style manual

How is the following section a reflection on style?

Contribution recommendation: It is recommended that editors only contribute to one wiki at a time to ensure they do not inadvertently violate the copyright policies of the wikis they edit.

And what copyright policies might be violated? The official NixOS wiki is already a copy of the unofficial NixOS wiki which is licensed under MIT, and the official NixOS wiki is also licensed under MIT. So I can't see what copyright policies are being violated that weren't violated in the creation of the wiki. -- Sshine (talk) 20:51, 6 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Interesting, maybe we can decide to delete this sentence in the next wiki-meeting or exchange it with something like "It is recommended that editors only contribute to one wiki at a time to avoid accidentally violating style guides and structuring." Klinger (talk) 18:12, 11 March 2025 (UTC)Reply

Add guidelines for common Infoboxes

There are a couple of common infoboxes used on wiki pages.

We could also bootstrap a new infobox for nixos-version-specific infos (that could be discarded once the nixos version becomes very old). Pogobanane (talk) 08:10, 26 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Actually this goes into Help:Template Pogobanane (talk) 08:21, 26 October 2024 (UTC)Reply
Resolved: Linked Help:Template in this Manual of Style. Pogobanane (talk) 08:28, 26 October 2024 (UTC)Reply