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Wiki NixOS

From NixOS Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page NixOS Wiki and the translation is 86% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

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Votre première lecture devrait être la page des Ressources, qui sert de porte d'entrée pour les sujets de documentation les plus importants. Voir les points importants ci-dessous.

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À propos du wiki


2024-09-02Wiki editors use Manual of Style

The Wiki team discussed and put into effect the Manual of Style for editing wiki articles. This is a huge step towards clear and consistent documentation. All editors are encouraged to follow this guide.

2024-08-22Wiki editors meeting

All interested wiki editors meet on 22th of August at 21:15 CEST in a Jitsi conference.

Agenda: https://pad.lassul.us/wiki-agenda?view

2024-07-05Wiki editors meeting

All interested wiki editors meet on 5th of July at 13:00 CEST in a Jitsi conference.

2024-04-01Launch of the wiki

The official NixOS wiki has taken off! If you want to find out why there is a new wiki effort, check out the FAQ.

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